Easily set up monster trainers and other NPCs right in the room editor using the new GMS2 "variables" system! You don't even need to open a code editor, you just provide some monster data and dialogue data and then it's all set!.Supports as many savefiles as you want! (Default 99).Newly caught monsters that don't fit in your party automatically gets sent to the storage system! Easily move monsters around between the active party and a number of storage boxes! (The number of storage boxes also can be set to any number you want - default 10 boxes of 40 monsters).Moves, capturing monsters, battles etc handles an arbitrary amount of monsters on each side just fine! You can even set the number of monsters on each side on a battle-per-battle basis, surprising the player with a 6-vs-1 horde battle in the middle of a dungeon for some extra challenge!.The battle system supports an arbitrary amount of monsters on each side in battle! Do you think 1-on-1 battles is boring? How about making 2-vs-5 battles the new standard! You can have more monsters than fits on the screen if you want!.Engine back-end code is only using the most basic GML functionality (arrays, loops etc) ensuring maximal compatibility between exports, and making the code easy to read and understand! The code is also fully commented, with special tags to point out clever hacks and other parts that needs handling with care or are sensitive to changes.Cutscenes uses a similar system where you enqueue script to be executed, each one with as many arguments as is needed! Just enqueueing messages is good enough to get information across, but you can get as advanced as you want!.Non-standard functionality is handled by script references, letting you offload as many complex special cases as you need to elsewhere in the codebase, keeping the database structured and clean!.Each database entry is a single line in the script! All data is in one place, and it's super easy to add new monsters, moves, types and items!.Databases are set up using GML scripts - easy to change, and you get tons of color coding by default!.Define a monster, item, move, or other database item with a single line of code! It's super easy to add content! Items and moves are based on extensible effect structures, and the engine comes with plenty of example items, monsters and moves to play around with!.Try out the free demo if you want a first-hand taste of all the cool stuff this engine can do! It's got close to an hour of gameplay if you take your time and explore everything! :D The turn-based engine is supplemented with a solid database and GUI system that lets you easily script menus and manage data. Yal's Monster Collector Engine is a GameMaker:Studio 2 project with all the tools you need to make a monster-collector RPG in the style of Pokémon / Digimon / Temtem / Telefang.